In fairy tales, a grandmother is a warm and fuzzy creature that acts as a mentor to the young protagonist. She is a silver-haired benefactress full of wisdom and kindness (think: fairy godmother). But what if your kids’ grandmother is more like the witch from “Hansel and Gretel?” You might be dealing with a “difficult” […]
20 Heartbreaking Signs of a Manipulative Mother
Manipulators come in all shapes and sizes. However, there is something particularly painful and twisted about a manipulative mother. A mother-child bond is sacred. For many of us, motherly love is the only truly unconditional, pure love we will ever experience. So when you have a mother who is manipulative, withholding, and cruel, it flips […]
Do Narcissists Have Magical Sexual Powers?
If you’ve ever been in a relationship with a narcissist, you know it’s no walk in the park. Then why was the sex so great? Why, even after years apart, after you’ve finally put the pieces of your heart back together, after piles of self-help books, why do you still think about it? Why do […]
7 Proven Ways to RESPOND Not REACT to a Toxic Person
Toxic people know just which buttons to push to make you react. You may be a cool, collected person who doesn’t easily lose control. But when you’re around someone toxic, particularly a family member, you may find yourself getting sucked into their drama and responding from an emotionally charged place. You know the feeling: your […]
13 Signs You’re Texting with a Narcissist
In our digital age, everyone is a bit of a narcissist. We’re all guilty of seeking attention online and hiding behind a mask. But when you encounter an actual narcissist, that’s a whole other story. The problem is, you’re not going to know you’re dealing with a narcissist until it’s too late. By the time […]
Why You Attract Toxic People (8 Reasons That Will Surprise You)
Do you ever wonder why you seem to attract toxic people? Are you afraid, deep down, that there might be something wrong with you? Maybe you give off a certain vibe that tells assholes “come hither”? There’s nothing wrong with you. But you may possess certain traits that make you particularly attractive to toxic individuals. […]
7 Brilliant Books About Toxic People That Will Explain Everything
One thing you need to know about toxic people is: they thrive amid ignorance. The more clueless you are, the more power they have over you. So here are 7 of the most insightful books on toxic people, and the best ways of dealing with them. Disclaimer: This blog post contains affiliate links, which means […]
How Writing About My Toxic Mother-in-Law Changed My Life
I’ve been happily married for 10 years. But the word “happily” in that sentence should have an asterisk next to it: happily* (while dealing with a toxic mother-in-law). It hasn’t been a walk in the park. My relationship with my mother-in-law is a “cold war” relationship: one that’s filled with tension, animosity, and a sense […]
How to Deal with a Toxic Relative Who Comes By Unannounced
Most people understand that dropping by unannounced is rude. But your toxic relative is either tone-deaf to the awkwardness of the situation or intentionally ignores the social norms to accommodate their own needs. For those extra thick-headed jerks, here are 7 tips on how to deal with their obnoxious intrusiveness. 1. This Isn’t a Good […]
10 Things You Wish You Could Say to Your Mother-in-Law
Is your mother-in-law getting on your last nerve? Do you find yourself having mental arguments with her long after she’s gone? Do you constantly think about the things you’d like to say to her? If that’s the case, you are a ticking time bomb about to explode. You’ve held your tongue for too long. The […]