Are you in a relationship with a narcissist? Then you should know that you can never win the games they play. The narcissist will always win because the truth is, they don’t love you and they don’t really care about you. So they have the upper hand. However, there are certain things that can drive […]
11 Things Grandparents Should Never Do
Even the most well-meaning grandparents sometimes overstep their bounds. That’s OK. Grandparenting isn’t an exact science and it involves a learning curve, just like parenting. But there are certain things that grandparents should never EVER do, no matter how well-meaning they are. Here are 11 of them. 1. Overrule the parents Have you ever been […]
Gaslighting in an Intimate Relationship
Just like gaslighting in the family, gaslighting in an intimate relationship is disturbingly common. It’s so common, in fact, that most people don’t realize when they’re being gaslit or when they’re the ones doing it. That’s because gaslighting can be unconscious or unintentional. But it can also be very deliberate. This is the nefarious scenario […]
How to Heal From Verbal and Emotional Abuse
If you’ve been affected by verbal or emotional abuse, you may be wondering: how do I heal and move past it? That’s not easy because the wounds from emotional abuse are invisible. “There is no scar tissue to stretch, no bruises to yellow and heal, no gaping wound to point to. In spite of their […]
7 Unhealthy Relationship Patterns You Need to Change
Are you stuck in a cycle of doomed relationships? Are you attracted to the same type of person? Then you might have some unhealthy relationship patterns you need to address. Here are 7 dysfunctional templates that could be sabotaging all your relationships and keeping you from the love that you deserve. 1. You Crave Drama […]
16 Types of Toxic People That Can Drive You Crazy
Toxic people are a reality of life, just like death and taxes. If you don’t live under a rock, you’ve probably encountered a few (dozen) of them in your lifetime. They’re not all the same person: the toxicity can take on different forms. But what they all have in common is that they poison your […]
20 Little-Known Traits of a Toxic Person
Do you think it’s easy to spot a toxic person? Sometimes it is. If you are versed in toxic language and behaviors, it may only take you a few minutes. But other times you may be dealing with someone who’s an expert at masking their toxic traits. They may even be able to fool people […]
13 Signs You’re Dating Mr. Big (And Why You Should Dump Him)
Are you dating a real-life Mr. Big? These signs can tell you if you’ve fallen for an emotionally unavailable man, and what to do about it. Carrie and Mr. Big… Although it’s been 20 years since the finale of Sex and the City, the central relationship of everyone’s favorite HBO series still puzzles the viewers. Was […]
7 Devious Traits of a Covert Female Narcissist
Narcissistic women are not always obvious. They can appear fragile, charming, insecure, and even selfless. So you have to look past their disguise. Here are 7 little-known traits of a covert female narcissist. But before we delve into that, let’s first answer these questions. What is narcissism? The two main types of narcissism: what are […]
7 Signs You’re In a Toxic Trauma Bond Relationship
A trauma bond is a toxic relationship that is forged out of pain, abuse, and codependency. It’s often a romantic relationship, but it can also be a relationship with a parent, sibling, or even a friend. Similar to Stockholm Syndrome when captives become emotionally attached to their captors, people in abusive relationships become attached (or […]