Having a toxic mother-in-law can be an immense challenge, but when she also becomes a grandmother, the emotional toll can be devastating. When a toxic grandmother is involved, it doesn’t just affect you or your husband. The effects ripple out and impact the entire family, especially the children. They may witness emotional abuse, feel pressured […]
Toxic Grandparents
7 Steps to Healing After Child Sexual Abuse by a Grandfather
Did you experience sexual abuse at the hands of your grandfather? Over the years of writing this blog, a number of women shared with me their stories of being sexually abused by their grandparent. At first, these stories stood out as bizarre and shocking. But the more I learned, the more I realized that grandfather […]
11 Things Grandparents Should Never Do
Even the most well-meaning grandparents sometimes overstep their bounds. That’s OK. Grandparenting isn’t an exact science and it involves a learning curve, just like parenting. But there are certain things that grandparents should never EVER do, no matter how well-meaning they are. Here are 11 of them. 1. Overrule the parents Have you ever been […]
11 Signs of Indifferent Grandparents
When we talk about toxic grandparents, we usually mean controlling, manipulative, or narcissistic individuals who want to be in their grandchildren’s lives. But there is another type of grandparent that isn’t so grand — the indifferent type. This post will discuss Signs of Indifferent Grandparents Indifferent grandparents generally show no interest in being in their […]
10 Signs Of an Angry Grandparent (And How to Talk to Your Kids About It)
Does your child have an angry grandparent? Then they’ve probably incurred their wrath at some point in their lives. Even if the grandparents are not unleashing on grandchildren, they may be constantly bickering with one another, having unpleasant, nasty fights with other family members, and generally using anger as a habitual response. This isn’t setting […]
7 Signs Your Kids Have a Narcissistic Grandmother
A narcissistic mother (or a toxic mother-in-law) controls, abuses, and manipulates her children. Why would she be any different as a grandmother? The following are 7 telltale signs of a difficult or narcissistic granny. Signs of a Narcissistic Grandmother 1. She Has No Respect. Respect for other people doesn’t come easy to her. She wants […]