Even the most well-meaning grandparents sometimes overstep their bounds. That’s OK. Grandparenting isn’t an exact science and it involves a learning curve, just like parenting. But there are certain things that grandparents should never EVER do, no matter how well-meaning they are. Here are 11 of them. 1. Overrule the parents Have you ever been […]
narcissistic grandmother
7 Signs Your Kids Have a Narcissistic Grandmother
A narcissistic mother (or a toxic mother-in-law) controls, abuses, and manipulates her children. Why would she be any different as a grandmother? The following are 7 telltale signs of a difficult or narcissistic granny. Signs of a Narcissistic Grandmother 1. She Has No Respect. Respect for other people doesn’t come easy to her. She wants […]
Why You Shouldn’t Accept Gifts from Your Toxic Mother-in-Law
A gift is by definition a selfless offering. But when you’re dealing with a toxic mother-in-law, beware of gifts with long, wiry strings attached to them. You might be thinking: why would my mother-in-law give me gifts? She hates me! It’s precisely to hide that fact a toxic mother-in-law will give you gifts or offer […]
Going No Contact with a Narcissistic Grandmother
Family is everything. How many times have you heard this phrase? Many times, I bet. As a culture, we idealize family. Family means closeness, love, support, loyalty, and a deep connection to our roots. When we say of a friend “She/he is like family to me,” we mean to say that they have entered our […]
10 Ways a Narcissistic Grandmother Can Harm Your Children
In fairy tales, a grandmother is a warm and fuzzy creature that acts as a mentor to the young protagonist. She is a silver-haired benefactress full of wisdom and kindness (think: fairy godmother). But what if your kids’ grandmother is more like the witch from “Hansel and Gretel?” You might be dealing with a “difficult” […]
15 Signs of a Toxic Grandparent and How to Deal with Them
This blog post will help you recognize 15 warning signs of a toxic grandparent and deal with them with confidence and clarity. When you’re in a relationship with someone who mistreats you, it’s common to hear advice like “dump him immediately.” However, when it comes to an abusive family member, the response often shifts to […]