Daddy issues…when you hear the term, what comes to mind? Do you see an emotionally erratic woman? Or maybe someone promiscuous, insecure, needy? Along with “damaged goods,” “daddy issues” is one of the most offensive things one can say about a woman. It’s a way to make light of her history of trauma. It’s also […]
Child Abuse
10 Common Character Traits Imprinted by an Abusive Parent
Do you ever wonder why you are the way you are? Why do you do the things you do? Why is it so hard for you to lead a “normal” life, unburdened by mental struggles? You might be surprised to learn that character traits you thought were personal flaws aren’t actually your fault. They could […]
10 Brutal Truths About Why Sex Offender Registries Don’t Work
As the data undeniably shows, sex offender registries don’t really work to prevent sex crimes. This blog post reveals 10 reasons why. Sex offenders… No other group of people inspires as much hatred and contempt as sex offenders. They are the modern-day “folk devil” — deviant, dangerous, and ultimately, unredeemable. The unspeakable fear and loathing […]
Why Is Intrafamilial Child Sexual Abuse So Hidden?
Over the past decades, there’s been a growing awareness that intrafamilial child sexual abuse — or incest — is not a rare and isolated issue. It’s a widespread problem that corrodes society, leaves countless children traumatized, and destroys lives. However, it is still a highly taboo, obscured topic. In this article, we will look at […]
7 Steps to Healing After Child Sexual Abuse by a Grandfather
Did you experience sexual abuse at the hands of your grandfather? Over the years of writing this blog, a number of women shared with me their stories of being sexually abused by their grandparent. At first, these stories stood out as bizarre and shocking. But the more I learned, the more I realized that grandfather […]
Child Sexual Abuse: Risk Factors and Red Flags
Any type of child abuse is reprehensible. But child sexual abuse is unspeakably evil because it destroys the child’s innocence — the most precious thing children possess. And like any true evil, it is cloaked in silence and secrecy. This post intends to shed some light on the issue. It will discuss What is Child […]