Are there acceptable forms of physical discipline? How does being hit affect children? And if there is a way to undo the damage? Read on to find out. Being hit is bad enough. But physical abuse at the hands of the person who’s supposed to love and protect you is simply devastating. I know this […]
Family Ties
15 Signs of a Toxic Grandparent and How to Deal with Them
This blog post will help you recognize 15 warning signs of a toxic grandparent and deal with them with confidence and clarity. When you’re in a relationship with someone who mistreats you, it’s common to hear advice like “dump him immediately.” However, when it comes to an abusive family member, the response often shifts to […]
20 Ultimate Signs Of a Toxic Mother-in-Law (And What to Do About Her)
How can you tell if you have a toxic mother-in-law? That’s easy. Just answer these questions. Do you feel like you have to walk on eggshells around your mother-in-law? Do you feel drained after spending time with her? And most telling of all: do you feel like nothing you do is ever good enough for […]